Sunday, September 30, 2007

Finish the fight!

Yes, probably the biggest thing to happen for geeks of the world...I give you


Anyway check out the goods man

did i mention "LIMITED EDITION"

As any halo fan would say...Finish the Fight

a short trailer of the game

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

will work for food....

My first job since i started this blog, from celeste my famous friend (as seen on MTV:THE GAMES).

N my reward...dinner. Guess we all gotta start somewhere.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Dun let little bears fool u

okok so i went out to get the new kanye west - graduation album and loving it.

Now u may be wondering why i listen to indie and buy a hiphop cd. Its like applauding a skateboarder when he does something sick. Oh well u cant deny good talent.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

a click here and a drag there

Okok so its the term break...well more like mug week(as if i havent been mugging enough). Anyway just did some little self potrait, hopefully i can whip up a decent design by the end of the week.

hey 50...EAT UR HEART OUT..sucker

Yup its all over MTV news...Kanye beat 50's ass, wat was he even thinking going againts kanye...

Mixing electronic with hiphop, pure mastery of music i tell you

"Kanye West - Stronger"

And i think Mr stewie,wants to give his 5 cents worth

Friday, September 21, 2007

Everyone is getting Feist-y over the new ipod nano

Hey anyone seen the ad for the new Ipod nano commercial, i must say the new nano sure looks wicked, i would like to see creative zen stone this idea hahaha.

Anyway here is the vid, check it...

Oh yea and people are talking about the song from the vid...

"Feist - 1,2,3,4"
notice the vid was shot in a single frame. No cuts no nothing

And another of her vids

"Feist - My moon, my man"


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Painting a different picture

Hey sorry my fellow readers, really appreciate you guys checking back now and then haha thanks man...

Well you see all I ever do now is...

And alot of this...

And sometimes abit of this...
All in all it adds up to all this...
And end it like this...

So that leaves me with almost no time for...